The NY DDS program helps patients like Mario, 65, a veteran who lives who lives on his own in Manhattan. Following his time in the military, Mario continued serving his community, having a career as a police officer until his retirement 15 years ago after falling ill. Now he enjoys playing pool at his neighborhood center, but is still committed to service in any capacity he is able. Currently, that means taking his neighbor’s daughter to and from school, every day.
Mario was in relatively good health, but his dental health presented a major challenge for him. Many of his teeth were missing, while those that remained were cracked. He had seen a dentist several years ago, but was unable to afford the necessary treatment. Living on a fixed income through Social Security retirement and a VA pension, the dental care he needed seemed out of reach.
Thankfully, Dr. Pedram B. Ganjian, a dentist and DDS volunteer since 2019, stepped in to help. Dr. Ganjian conducted six extractions, before installing two partial dentures generously donated by a volunteer dental lab. Thanks to these volunteers, Mario was able to receive the help he needed after spending his life helping others.
Speaking on his first case as a DDS volunteer, Dr. Ganjian stated: “This was my first DDS case and it was beyond a positive experience. It was a beautiful experience to help a man of our community who had given back so much.”