Brian D. Stone Award Spotlight: Featuring Dr. Misha Shaikh

Dental Lifeline Network partners with multiple dental schools across the U.S. through the Brian D. Stone Memorial Award to recognize outstanding dental school graduates who have committed to volunteerism and public service to helping people with special needs. 

The award was established 17 years ago by Brian’s parents Drs. Joy and Justin Stone of New Jersey. The collaborative partnership between these accredited schools allows Dental Lifeline Network to recognize future dental professionals who believe in the importance of volunteering to help our most vulnerable populations. We would like to spotlight a previous Brian D. Stone recipient who received the award in 2021: Dr. Misha Shaikh!

Brian D. Stone Recipient Misha Shaikh, Class of 2021 Graduate from New York University College of Dentistry
Brian D. Stone Recipient Misha Shaikh, Class of 2021 Honors Graduate from New York University College of Dentistry

Misha Shaikh is an example of one of those students. Dr. Shaikh graduated from New York University College of Dentistry in May 2021 with honors. During her time at dental school she reflected on how she could use dentistry to be a part of positive change in her community. 

“I personally believe it’s important to give back because it allows me to gain a different perspective, professional benefit, and overall growth,” said Dr. Misha Shaikh, 2021 Brian D. Stone Recipient. “I learn a lot from patients with different backgrounds and how to positively impact their lives.”

Dr. Shaikh expressed she’s always had an interest in pursuing healthcare because both her parents are in the healthcare industry. She initially wanted to be a physician like her parents, but became specifically drawn towards dentistry because of the artistic element and surgery aspect, which ended up being everything she wanted.

Subscribe to our newsletter to see how many students received the prestigious award this year! DLN’s continues to work on expanding this program by adding more school’s and more recipients. With generous support from our partner, Guardian Life Insurance Company, we will continue to do this in the coming years. If you are interested in participating in the program, please fill out our form

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