DLN Thanks CO Board President Steven R. Nelson, DDS, MS for 30 Years of Service

Dr. Nelson with Pedro, one of his DDS patients

Dr. Steve Nelson has been a Donated Dental Services (DDS) volunteer for nearly 30 years and has donated more than $150,000 in dental treatment and helped change and save the lives of more than 70 people with special needs. Additionally, he sits on the DLN • Colorado Board of Directors, and has been Board President for most of that time. He has gone above and beyond for the organization as a volunteer and as Colorado Board President.

“The DDS program has always been an important part of my practice,” Dr. Nelson said. “I feel very blessed that I can practice dentistry and enjoy it so much.”

Having Dr. Nelson as our DLN • CO Board President for so many years has helped our Colorado DDS program to grow and thrive. His expertise and reputation in his field has allowed for the organization to expand its mission to change and save the lives of more people. On June 30, the end of DLN’s fiscal year, Dr. Nelson will be leaving the DLN • CO Board.

“Life at DLN without Steve at the helm in Colorado is unimaginable right now,” DLN President & CEO, Fred Leviton said of Dr. Nelson’s departure. “He’s not only been an amazing leader, but I am awed by his service that has changed the lives of so many vulnerable people—one of the top volunteers nationally! Steve has set a standard for leadership that will endure for decades and will enable thousands more people to get desperately needed care. Thank you, thank you!”

Dr. Jeff Lodl, a DLN volunteer since 1988, was elected President and he will take over on July 1, 2020.

We sincerely appreciate Dr. Nelson and his years of dedicated service, and we wish him all the best as he moves on to a new chapter!

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Dental Lifeline Network
1800 15th Street, Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303.534.5360
Fax: 303.534.5290

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