Live Your Why

Our volunteers and supporters across the country are sharing ‘Why I Dental’ in the hopes of encouraging their colleagues to join them in volunteering for DLN.

“I volunteer for DLN because it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling like I had in dental school,” said Dr. Tom J. Sniscak, DDS volunteer. “When we were just treating human beings and not trying to run the business of a practice and trying to make people healthier through oral care.”

We are excited to announce the ‘WHY I Dental’ campaign. The new campaign encourages dentists to live their ‘Why’ and do good together through DLN.

We appreciate the ongoing support from our supporters and volunteers and be on the lookout for ways to share your ‘why’!

A special thanks to the Lanmark 360 team for their passionate work on this project.

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Dental Lifeline Network
1800 15th Street, Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303.534.5360
Fax: 303.534.5290

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