Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Gerald Wimmer

Pictured: Dr. Gerald Wimmer with Donated Dental Services (DDS) patient, Beatrice, and members of his staff.

Dr. Gerald Wimmer of Brimhall Dentistry Plymouth in Minnesota has volunteered with DLN for 10 years and during that time has donated thousands of dollars in care to patients in need. Volunteering has allowed him to show his passion for dentistry by donating his time and talent to help patients like Beatrice. 

Beatrice, 61, lives with her daughter and grandchildren in Minnesota and suffers from several serious health challenges including kidney failure, and the loss of all vision in one of her eyes. She needed a kidney transplant, but due to her health challenges, she could not qualify for the waitlist until her dental health was addressed. Unable to work due to her health, Beatrice relies on her daughter’s income while waiting for disability assistance and the dental care she needed seemed far beyond her reach. 

Thankfully, Beatrice’s dialysis center referred her to the DDS program where she was raised to the top of the waitlist and matched with three generous volunteers. Dr. Wimmer happily accepted Beatrice as a patient and created a treatment plan for her that included the extraction of seven teeth, the restoration of four teeth, and upper and lower partial dentures. Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Wimmer and the other two generous volunteers, Beatrice received thousands of dollars in donated treatment that not only restored her dental health, but also helped her meet the qualifications to be added to the kidney transplant list. 

Without the generosity of volunteers like Dr. Wimmer, many people like Beatrice would go without life-changing comprehensive dental and healthcare. We greatly appreciate Dr. Wimmer and all of our volunteer dentists, labs, and supporters who help us to achieve our mission.


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Dental Lifeline Network
1800 15th Street, Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303.534.5360
Fax: 303.534.5290

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