
Donated Dental Services (DDS) in Iowa

Information for applicants

Applicants must have no means to afford dental care and must meet ONE of the following criteria: 

  • Over 60 years of age
  • Permanently or temporarily disabled
  • Need medically necessary dental care, including experiencing frequent and reoccurring dental infections

What to expect? 

  • Volunteers provide comprehensive treatment to eligible patients 
  • Volunteers do not provide emergency services
  • Volunteers do not provide cosmetic treatment

All counties are OPEN to new applications.

Applicants see if you qualify!​

If you would prefer to print and mail an application, click the button below!​

Need to submit documents for your application?

Iowa Program Contact

Diane Wells, DDS Coordinator

515.251.7778 (fax)

Dental Lifeline Network • Iowa

9000 Northpark Drive
Johnston, IA 50131

About the Iowa DDS Program


Volunteer Dentists in Iowa


Volunteer Laboratories in Iowa


in Donated Treatment to Patients in Iowa


Patients treated in Iowa since 2005

Iowa Donated Dental Services (DDS) State Annual Report

Leadership Council

Nicholas Fangman, DDS


Kara Bylund

Andrea Cardenzana, DDS

Jade Deardorff

Donna Glanz

Suzanne Heckenlaible

Steve Kampschneider

Maren Lenhart

Todd Rinehart 

Clayton Schommer, DMD


“I just couldn’t be happier with the work from Dr. E. I
ate a steak for the first time in forever and really enjoyed
it and look forward to eating more things that have been
off my diet for so long. I am just so grateful and humble
for the help and how greatly everyone treated me.”

– Art, an Iowa DLN patient with Iowa DLN volunteer,

Dr. Leslie Ehlen   

Will You See One? Volunteer Today!

Dental Lifeline Network
1800 15th Street, Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303.534.5360
Fax: 303.534.5290

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