The SC DDS program helps patients like Donna, 54, who lives in Lexington County with her teenage daughter. Formerly a school teacher,
Donna has endured significant hardships that have severely impacted her health. She has suffered from depression since losing her youngest daughter years ago. Donna was also involved in a serious car accident, which left her with severe back and arm injuries that affects her ability to work. Donna’s dental health had also deteriorated, resulting in decayed teeth and a crown that needed to be replaced. She was so embarrassed by her smile that she avoided going out. Struggling to make ends meet, however, Donna was unable to afford the dental treatment she needed.
How DDS Helped
This all changed when three DDS volunteers came to Donna’s aid. Dr. Brad Pitts, a general dentist, restored a tooth, while an oral surgeon provided a root canal and crown, and a volunteer laboratory donated an upper partial denture. Thanks to these volunteers, Donna received nearly $5,700 in donated treatment, restoring her dental health and her smile!
Commenting on the transformative impact this treatment had, Donna stated: “My confidence is growing! It’s a life changer! Words aren’t enough but my heart is filled with gratitude!”