Dental Group Toolkit

We’re thrilled to have the support of your organization! With your support, we can help fulfill our mission of ensuring that all vulnerable adults in America have access to comprehensive dental care.

Check out the toolkit below for promotional materials that you can use to help inspire other organizations to make a positive impact on those in need by supporting DLN. 


Promotional Materials: 

Partnership Announcement:

Dental Lifeline Network and [COMPANY NAME] are partnering to bring critical dental care to patients in need in [STATE(S)]. [COMPANY NAME] believes in Dental Lifeline Network’s vision that all vulnerable adults have access to life-changing dental care. Click here to download the rest of the announcement. 

Internal Partnership Recruitment Email: Download Here

Many individuals in [YOUR COMPANY] struggle to access affordable dental care. [ORGANIZATION NAME] is partnering with Dental Lifeline Network, a national nonprofit to help aid in their mission to change the lives of America’s most vulnerable adults through their coordinated system of care. Click here to download the rest of the email.

Volunteer Badge: Download Here

This badge can be used on your social media or website to display your organization’s support of DLN. 



Download the Print Ready PDF Full Page:

Version 1: 8.5 X 11

Version 2: 8.5 X 11

Download the Print Ready PDF Half Page Ad: 8.5 X 5.5  

Digital/Social Media: Download Here

Digital Dental Group Recruitment Brochure: Download Here

Dental Lifeline Network
1800 15th Street, Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303.534.5360
Fax: 303.534.5290

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