DLN Success Story – DDS Helps Oregon Resident With Much Needed Dental Care

Phillip, 65, lives alone outside of Portland. He suffers from several health challenges including rheumatoid arthritis, COPD, diverticulitis, and mental health issues. In addition, his dental health had deteriorated and he was missing several teeth and those remaining were loose, broken, and often infected. His lower partial denture was broken and he was having difficulty eating. Philip’s physician was concerned that his dental condition was impacting his overall health.

Though he desperately needed dental treatment, Philip couldn’t afford it. Surviving on a small Social Security Disability benefit, he struggles to make ends meet. He sought help at the Oregon Health & Science University School of Dentistry but the recommended treatment plan was more than he could afford. The help Philip needed seemed to be beyond his reach.

How DDS Helped

Fortunately, Phillip was referred to the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program by the Department of County Human Services and he was linked with three generous volunteers.

  • Dr. Gerald L. Kennedy performed an exam and restored four teeth.
  • Oral Surgeon Dr. Jeff Burstein extracted 10 teeth.
  • Custom Dental donated a full upper denture and partial lower denture at no cost.

“I appreciate everything you have done for me. With my new teeth you gave me back the confidence to smile again and the ability to eat again. Thank you very much!”

— Phillip, DDS Patient

“Being able to provide comprehensive care to DDS patients in my own office is so efficient and satisfying. The results can be life changing for patients and in my experience their gratitude is heartfelt.”

— Dr. Gerald L. Kennedy, DDS Volunteer

Oregon Donated Dental Services (DDS) is a program of Dental Lifeline Network, a national humanitarian organization and a strategic partner of the ADA, providing access to comprehensive dental care for people with disabilities or who are elderly or medically fragile and have no other way to get help. Nationally, almost 16,000 dentists and 3,500 laboratories volunteer for DDS.

Learn more about volunteering or to learn about DDS in your state, visit our state pages.


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Dental Lifeline Network
1800 15th Street, Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303.534.5360
Fax: 303.534.5290

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