DLN Success Story – DDS Helps Washington Resident With Much Needed Dental Care

Kimberly, 46, lives with her father and stepmother, who is her full time caregiver, in King County. She suffers from several mental and physical health challenges including impaired cognition and short-term memory loss. In addition to her health challenges, Kimberly’s dental health had deteriorated and she had several decayed and infected teeth.

Kimberly and Dr. Johnson

Unfortunately, Kimberly and her family were unable to afford the dental treatment she so desperately needed. Surviving on food stamps and a small Social Security Disability benefit, the family struggles to make ends meet. The dental treatment seemed like a luxury beyond their reach.

How DDS Helped

Thankfully, Kimberly was referred to the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program and she was linked with four generous volunteers.

  • Dr. James F. Rosenwald performed eight restorations.
  • Oral Surgeon Dr. Sasi Narra performed 14 extractions and smoothed her jaw bone.
  • Prosthodontist Dr. Michael Johnson donated two full dentures.
  • PNW Prosthodontic Lab fabricated two full dentures at no cost.

“She is so happy and smiles almost constantly. She is very happy with the work and everything that has been done and the providers really changed her life.”

— Sher, Kimberly’s Stepmother

“It is so much fun to have someone who is excited about being here and improving their dental health and appearance. We truly enjoy working with these patients and seeing their personality change from being embarrassed about their teeth to being proud of their teeth. Seeing someone cry with excitement at seeing their new smile is a wonderful reward.”

— Dr. Michael Johnson, DDS Volunteer

Washington Donated Dental Services (DDS) is a program of Dental Lifeline Network, a national humanitarian organization and a strategic partner of the ADA, providing access to comprehensive dental care for people with disabilities or who are elderly or medically fragile and have no other way to get help. Nationally, almost 16,000 dentists and 3,500 laboratories volunteer for DDS.

Learn more about volunteering or to learn about DDS in your state, visit our state pages.


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Dental Lifeline Network
1800 15th Street, Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303.534.5360
Fax: 303.534.5290

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