Lifeline in Action – Montana Veteran Gets a New Smile

For today’s Lifeline in Action, we’re focused on Dr. Stephen Spencer!Rex with Dr. Stephen Spencer

Dr. Spencer has been serving the Montana community for over 25 years. He’s no stranger to going above and beyond in his profession, as is evident by his affiliation with a number of professional organizations, such as the Montana Study Club, the Montana Dental Association, and the American Dental Association. Dr. Spencer also volunteers for the Montana Donated Dental Services (DDS) program, where he helps restore the oral health of people in need like Rex.

Rex is a 75-year-old widower and Navy veteran in central Montana. He suffers from several serious health challenges including heart disease and arthritis. Additionally, Rex’s oral health was in poor condition, and his small fixed income kept him from affording the dental treatment he needed. Fortunately, Rex was referred to DDS and matched with Dr. Spencer.

Dr. Spencer found that Rex had had all of his teeth extracted over time, and that he had difficulty maintaining a healthy diet as a result. He fitted Rex for dentures, which were generously donated by Electric City Dental Lab. Rex was very appreciative of the help he received. “I am so happy with my new teeth and grateful for this amazing opportunity,” he said.

The DDS program allows Dr. Spencer to give back to people in need, and he appreciates the gratitude that the patients show for the work he does.

“Rex was positive, polite and a genuine gentleman all around. He was extremely appreciative and it made myself and my team feel great that we were able to help him out. DDS has been great at screening patients in need and providing people that are both fun and appreciative to work with. My staff and I are glad to be able to serve others that are less fortunate.”
—Dr. Stephen Spencer, DDS Volunteer

We sincerely appreciate volunteers like Dr. Spencer who go above and beyond in their profession to help people who don’t have access to dental care.

Learn more about volunteering or to learn about DDS in your state, visit our state pages.

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Denver, CO 80202

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