Lifeline in Action – Pennsylvania DDS Volunteer Helps Woman Restore Oral Health

Today’s Lifeline in Action spotlight is on Dr. Arnold Pfannenstiel!

Dr. Arnold Pfannenstiel with Susan

Dr. Pfannenstiel has been practicing dentistry for almost 40 years, and has been a volunteer for Pennsylvania’s Donated Dental Services (DDS) program since 2003. His compassion and dedication to the Bucks County community has helped restore the smiles of many individuals, including Susan, a 57-year-old grandmother of two. Because of her several challenging health problems associated with spinal issues, joint swelling, chronic pain, and mental health issues, Susan’s dental health had deteriorated. Living on a small fixed income, she was not able to afford her much-needed treatment. Fortunately, Susan was referred to the DDS program and matched with Dr. Pfannenstiel.

He discovered that Susan only had nine remaining teeth, and some of them were decayed. In addition, her existing partial dentures no longer fit, causing pain and sores in her mouth. Dr. Pfannenstiel completed x-rays, extractions, crowns, root canals, and fitted her for dentures. Delux Dental Lab, Glidewell Laboratories, and Sterngold Dental, LLC all contributed to the case as well. Susan was very appreciative of the help she received.

In addition to being a DDS volunteer, Dr. Pfannenstiel is on our Dental Lifeline Network • Pennsylvania Leadership Council, and serves as the Director of the Dental Department at Health Link Medical Center, where he also volunteers his time and services. Dr. Pfannenstiel participates in the DDS program because he acknowledges that there are many people in need who cannot afford essential dental treatment. He hopes that his participation will serve as an example to other dentists as well.

“Volunteering as a dentist with DDS is very rewarding. Giving back to the community, helping people who otherwise would neglect their dental care—puts a smile on your face as well as the patient’s face! There are many patients eligible on the waiting list and not enough volunteers to serve them. Try just once—most likely you will continue year after year helping more DDS patients.”

—Dr. Arnold Pfannenstiel, DLN • PA Leadership Council Member and DDS Volunteer

We are so grateful to Dr. Pfannenstiel, and the many other dentists and labs like him, who answer the call to help people in need in their communities. Our volunteers are the Lifeline of Dental Lifeline Network, and we thank him for helping us change and save the lives of more people!

Learn more about volunteering or to learn about DDS in your state, visit our state pages.

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Dental Lifeline Network
1800 15th Street, Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303.534.5360
Fax: 303.534.5290

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