Indiana DDS Highlights

Dental Lifeline Network is grateful for the Indiana Dental Association’s partnership in developing a Donated Dental Services (DDS) program in 1991 to help people with disabilities or who are elderly or medically fragile and had no other access to dental care.

During this difficult time of uncertainty, we are especially thankful to the Indiana dentists and labs who have donated $17.9 million worth of comprehensive donated treatment for 5,487 people. DDS Coordinator Adrienne Walker-Bell is working hard to communicate with patients and volunteers on the status of their treatment, and communicating with the people on our wait list. We are full of hope that when our dentists are ready they will begin to see our patients again and to give them the care they so desperately need!

Dr. Roger Valliere (Fort Wayne), volunteer since 1999, with his DDS patient.

Donated Dental Services (DDS) Program Totals
July 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020

Donated Treatment Value1= $652,513
Donated Lab Value = $48,614
Average Value of Treatment2= $3,901
Patients Served3 = 301
Patients on Wait-list = 268
Participating Dentists = 527
Participating Labs in IN = 100
Participating Labs outside IN = 9

1Donated treatment value includes donated lab value.
2Average value is based on patients that have completed comprehensive treatment; does not include active patients, or patients who continue to receive ongoing care from their DDS volunteer.
3Number of Patients Served includes: patients who completed their treatment plan; patients who received services but treatment plan is not yet complete; and patients who are linked with a volunteer but haven’t yet received treatment.

The DDS program restores the oral health and often transforms the lives of the patients we serve, like Diana, 74, who lives in Marion County and suffers from several serious health challenges, including uterine cancer, diabetes, arthritis, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, coronary artery disease, and liver disease. Due to a back injury and the spinal stenosis, she is wheelchair bound. With all of her health challenges, she primarily stays home where her son serves as her full-time caregiver. Diana hadn’t been to a dentist in several years and her dental health had deteriorated. She was missing several teeth and many that remained were broken at the gum line making eating difficult and painful. Unfortunately, she could not afford the dental treatment she needed. Before her health challenges, she worked in the mailroom at a hospital. Now she survives on a Social Security benefit and struggles to make ends meet. Though she desperately needed care, it appeared she had nowhere to turn. Fortunately, four generous DDS volunteers came to her aid. A general dentist, an oral surgeon and two volunteer labs. Thanks to this caring team, Diana received thousands of dollars of donated treatment that restored her dental health and gave her a new reason to smile!

“Thank you so much for arranging for help with my dental problems. I can’t thank you enough.”

Learn more about volunteering or donating

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Dental Lifeline Network
1800 15th Street, Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303.534.5360
Fax: 303.534.5290

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