DLN Success story – Air Force Veteran Receives Life Changing Dental Treatment

Dr. Shelley Olson with her DDS patient Pamela

Pamela, 66, is an Air Force veteran who lives in Granville County. After Pamela was discharged from the service she went on to work at an ophthalmologist office until her retirement. Now that she is retired, she enjoys volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and other organizations in the community, reading and doing yard work.
Pamela suffers from degenerative disc disease, hypoglycemic, PTSD and mental health issues. In addition to her health challenges, her dental health had deteriorated. Pamela had some teeth that were broken and missing and had problems with Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome, although she wears a night guard to help with pain. Surviving on a Social Security and VA benefit, Pamela was unable to afford the extensive dental treatment she needed. Although Pamela receives her health care through the VA, her dental care was not covered.

How DDS Helped

Fortunately, the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program came to her aid and she was linked with two generous volunteers: Dr. Shelley Olson and Currin Dental Lab. Thanks to these kind volunteers, Pamela received thousands in donated treatment that restored her dental health.

“Pamela was a joy to work with! She volunteers her time to many organizations and events in Granville County, it was nice to be able to give her smile back.” —Dr. Shelley Olson, DDS volunteer

“Thank you for all the work you did for me. It’s nice to be able to smile and show off my teeth again! Thank you so much for all the time and effort you spent getting it right!” —Pamela, DDS patient

Learn more about volunteering or to learn about DDS in your state, visit our state pages.


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Denver, CO 80202

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